RGB Matrix Build

RGB Matrix Build

How to build an RGB LED Board by Joshua Hart, Design Enterprise Studio Member , March 2022Hi, I am Josh, a final year student in Digital Media who enjoys the physical building of computing devices as well as interfacing with them using software environments. This article will walk you through the necessary steps so you can build yourself a decent size RGB display board at home. RGB LED display board, built by Josh. This board uses ten 32 x 64 panels. RGB LED panels have long been recognised for their large scale and bright presence at live music shows/ festivals and are now rapidly becoming the go-to display board for advertising content and information in our cities. The modular nature of the boards allows for easy configuration, which means they can fit any space. This and the ease of updating the boards remotely with new content make it a no-brainer for advertising. Since starting this project I have been collecting examples of RGB...
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