Remote work lifesavers
Which tools have emerged as Lifesavers when working in Digital Media remotely?
by Alessandro Gontay, Design Enterprise Studio Member, Feb 2021
Working in digital media during COVID-19 pandemic
As the world recently faced the fast-spreading disease, COVID-19 or coronavirus, a lot of adjustments were made to the working culture in different fields, including the digital media area. The pandemic altered a lot of workers’ routine to a remote working set-up or a popular term for it, “working from home”. Some employees see remote working as a benefit, but some companies see it as a lackluster event or were not able to offer that capability due to lack of technology infrastructure.However, most events such as seminars, meetings, design competitions have now gone online successfully, proving that there are tangible ways to run virtual gatherings. In a digital media setting, many production teams had change their routine to remote working, not forgetting the need for them to also accustom the team to the new reality....